DEPP3 invites consultations from organizations and individuals on the draft versions of the guidelines for Energy Audit, Feasibility Study and Loan Application.
Under the framework of DEPP3 - Component 3, several technical guidelines have been developed by international and Vietnamese experts. Theses guidelines aim to assist industrial enterprises and relevant parties during the period of identifying and proposing feasible energy efficiency projects. They include:
- Energy Audit Guidance: This material provides guidance on conducting high-quality energy audits derived from international best practices.
- Feasibility Study Guidance: This guideline presents the primary contents of a feasibility study, including an approach to conducting assessments in terms of technique, finance, risks, opportunities, etc., for an energy efficiency project. This will be valuabe inputs to assist business owers in making decisions and allocating resources during implementation.
- Loan Application Guidance: This material provides an overview of a typical loan application process, requirements for necessary documents, etc., that enterprises should prepare to access external funding for an energy efficiency investment.
We look forward to hearing from you to refine these guidelines for public release and dissemination to relevant parties.
Thank you in advance for your contribution to boosting energy efficiency in the Vietnamese industry.